Is mother's day for EVERYONE?

I'm sorry but why do women who've chosen to not be mothers have to be included in mothers day. There's a separate thing called international WOMEN'S day. Just because you're a woman does not by virtue make you a mother. There are some men out there single parenting it who deserve mothers day praises but why are we including every single woman under this mother's day banner? This confuses me every year. I don't understand this desperate need to include everyone in everything. Does my male friend who had himself snipped because he never wants kids expect to be included into fathers day? No. Why can't we allow mums, mothers to be, mothers who've carried and lost just enjoy mothers day. I'm so confused by this.

Also unpopular opinion. But those trying to get pregnant, beautiful if you and your partner celebrate in some way, to each thier own, not my place, but why does that even need to be included. Being a mother is something unless you are one, will not understand how fucking hard it is. The raising caring loving stressing selflessness it takes to give yourself over to another human in the way a mother does is something to be celebrated. Why we gotta include everyone?

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