14 week old troubling concerns vs. normal?


Happy Mother’s Day, fellow Mamas!!

I have some symptoms that I need to run by other mommies. My love is 14 weeks old, and super fussy today. Shes been screaming off and on for the last 24 hours. Shes spitting up more than normal (sometimes even hours after she’s eaten- seriously, it looks like someone just jumped on her belly and pushed the formula out), but she doesn’t seem to be uncomfortable with that. She isn’t eating well either. A few (like 1.5-2.5) ounces every few hours- she was up to 5-6 every 4 hours until yesterday. She feels warm, but her rectal temp is 99. She has always had runny poo- but it seems more today. Does this sound like a virus? I think she might be teething, but I’m not sure.

Is this something I should ride out, or call the docs? When I took her earlier this week, they said to try not to give her Tylenol unless she’s super uncomfortable. My husband is brushing off my concerns, but I wanted other mawmas options.