Got My Boy Back for Mama’s Day


My ex and I broke up three years ago and he took the dog because he was more financially stable. After a rocky road, I cut off all contact a year ago. I was heart broken over losing my boy for good. I had been holding out hope to eventually take him home.

It took a while before I was ready for another dog with my current boyfriend. For Christmas my current boyfriend let me bring home a doxie. I was over the moon and finally at a point where I could discuss my last dog without getting torn up.

Then, 5 days ago, as I was clearing my junk email, I found a message from my ex. He was saying he couldn’t care for the dog anymore and offered to let me take him home.

I was floored. I wanted the dog so badly, even a year later. But I didn’t know if the dogs would get along or if we could handle or afford a second dog.

We scheduled a meeting on Saturday. And it went great!! The dogs were friendly and then ignored each other.

Today is Mother’s Day and I have no human children. But my boyfriend made sure to thank me for taking care of the furry children and reminded me that I’d gotten my first boy back just in time. I’ve been crying happy tears on and off all day.

Now for photos! Doxie is the younger dog we got for Christmas and the fluffy chocolate was my first boy who just returned home.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there- two legged and four legged babies alike! 💕❤️

PS: Tips on acclimating the two boys are appreciated. The doxie is a bit jealous, although they are doing light years better than I imagined.