Bar sinister....California

So I went to this bar. And they have an upstairs area. I got tied up in front of people. I was surprised that the dungeon master remembered me from last weekend. I was to shy to participate. But I did yesterday. And oh my gosh. It was so worth it!!!! I was trembling and shaking afterwards. I almost couldn’t walk lol. It was so wild to me. I’ve never done anything like that, let alone in front of anyone or lots of people watching.

The rope was perfectly done. The master asked if he could spark me and I just thought to go all in before I chicken out and I just said yes. He spanked me and pulled my hair and it felt great to feel safe. And asked if I would go harder or softer. I said harder is fine. Lol. I wish I could have seen how I looked.

He showed me how to tie rope afterwards and showed me the floggers. I asked to try one. And it was so interesting. I didn’t hate it but I didn’t love it. Maybe because I was being watched. But 10/10 would do again.

It’s silly to be kinda proud of myself for actually going and hyping myself up to just do it. But I’m happy I did that. And to be treated with such care while playing. I woke up in such a good mood.

I just wanted to share this. I don’t know anyone else in the kink community. So I can’t just tell my friends. They wouldn’t really get why I’m excited an in a good mood.