In January I started dating a new guy. We’ve known each other since high school and this is my first relationship since my divorce in 2017. He is amazing and makes me feel so loved. In my marriage I had one miscarriage and we tried and tried to get pregnant afterwards but could not. I was also abused in my marriage.

My periods are already irregular but they do come every three months so there is a little bit of regularity. Anyhow, my last period was in February so May was supposed to be the “period month.” But no period. I’ve been bloated, tired beyond reason, and crying over every single thing. Took a test today and IM PREGNANT.

Now I’m thinking to myself, “damn all the humping I use to do with my ex husband, who would’ve thought drunk, in the backseat of a car, after a movie would’ve knocked me up FIVE MONTHS INTO THE RELATIONSHIP.”

Well that’s all folks, thanks for tuning in! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ME AND THE LADIES OF GLOW 💗