How to socialize more

Morgan☀️ • Aquarius♒

This may seem like an odd question, but how can i socialize more and meet friends in my area? I'm a nanny so i don't have an opportunity to make friends through work and i just moved to a new state with my boyfriend so i literally don't know anyone. But it really sucks and starting to get lonely not having girl friends to hangout with. I'm 21 and there's not really "clubs" or things like that to do. I'm just bored :( my boyfriend has made friends so easily so far, he has a cool car and i swear other men just sworm to him because of it. He even got the dudes number at Advanced Auto Parts 😂😂 i feel like it's wayyyy harder for girls to make friends. If i try to start a casual conversation out in public I'll just get looked at like I'm a freaking weirdo or they just ignore me. I said hello to a girl walking past me in my apartment complex and she literally didn't even smile back. Ugh how can go about making friends in my area?