Completely over it

So before i begin, I’m going to say that I’m beyond grateful to be pregnant and to have my little bundle in my tummy be okay so far.

But now at exactly 38 weeks i feel like i just cant take another day of being pregnant. I’ve been out of the house only a handful of times in the past 8 weeks and i just can’t stand another moment of laying in my bed or bouncing on this stupid ball. I’m constantly tired even after sleeping for 10 hours at a time. I have no energy, I’ve been having contractions- but none that make me dilate, my hips hurt so bad i cant sleep at all. I pee every 20 minutes, every 45 when i sleep. And I’m plain out DEPRESSED. Doesn’t help that my family member who was also pregnant just had her baby, and everyone keeps telling me I’m “in the home stretch”. Like yes. I’m almost there, and i have no intuition of when he’s gunna be here- and I’ve been having terrible paranoia that something is going to go wrong- which is just making me miserable.

Does anyone else feel like something is going to go wrong?😞 or can’t bear the thought of two more weeks?