Advice/Encouragement for an 18 yo TTC with terrible irregular periods

Au’Bri • 🤰🏾Due🥰 12/2020👶🏾

Hi ladies!

okay for starters my period has always been a bit irregular but it got bad when i was 16, i had a period for 90 days! then my obgyn put me on birth control. i took it for bout a year lazily then stopped. fast forward to now 18, soon to be 19 in june. been in a loving relationship for almost 2 years and been ttc for 1 year. not necessarily ttc but we stopped using protection a year ago, and nothing. i think i had a miscarriage once, but how can you be so sure, if you were pregnant if you didnt know before a miscarriage? i went to the ER, they only took urine and told me i wasnt pregnant. (???? but what if i was, it was a very strange period that had me very emotional 😳☹️😞) i’m really trying this hard (ttc) as well because i feel like i’m going to have a harder time once i’m older, being that my cycle is already loopy now. my last period was March 7th, that puts me at cycle day 67 right now, smh. when i do get my period they are pretty normal in length and color. i’m concerned i am not ovulating or i’m not getting periods at all, but in fact getting breakthrough bleeding. i was praying i was pregnant (now), took some hpt got a very very faint line tested again got another faint line then again and negative and again and again NEGATIVES. i had some weird spotting earlier this week (first day of spotting 4 days ago) that lasted 2 days. it was very light and pink toned, could only see it once i wiped. it only lasted for hours within each day, i was hoping this was implantation bleeding but a BFN proved me otherwise.


help! some advice or tips on ttc with these problems? also i am scheduling a doctors appt and ogbyn appt soon should i be straight forward about ttc? how do i go about requesting an ultrasound to check ovaries?