Anyone else getting ready to move your little babe in with a sibling?


I have second kid syndrome and didnt put up the big stuff until she was 6 weeks old, and just organized the stuff I had before that. I still have a ton of work to do and things to finish; but, wanted to see what your plans are for moving your little one in with a big brother or sister.

My dd is 6 weeks old, but wont be moving in until she grows out of her bassinet, starts rolling, or turns 4 months; whichever comes first. She'll be moving in with her big sister who will be 3 in August.

How are you handling the transition? And setting up the room?

I still need to paint the walls which will be dark purple on the right and left walls in the picture, and light purple on the wall with the window and the door.

Paint my daughters new wooden bed white, and buy her a new comforter set.

Unscrew the old wall anchor.

And buy white (black out) curtains.

Also side note that we had to take almost all of her toys out to manage this and they're now in her playroom because her room is so small. (Play room is an insulated porch that doesnt have heat but stays warm enough, not able to be a bedroom)