Sooo to test or not to test??🤔

Hey girls so anonymous because I don’t want anyone that I know in person (if they are on here) to see this.

So basically im on copper iud been for 1 1/2 have zero problems with it. No spotting, periods on time every month every day like always, I will spot 2 days before my period and it’ll then just turn into my period. My periods last 7-10 days, last month I had my period 4-10-19 and then it stopped on the 17th no more blood then on 4-18-19 felt good no worries done with period yay, had sex with my bf the morning after I started to spot and I spotted for 4 days. (Not normal?🥴) okay so I go to obgyn and all is good everything is in place. More Spotting is normal just gotta get used to it.

5-8-19 I should be expecting to start cramping and spotting, I got a very very very tint of pink blood barely, then the 9th nothing but cramped all day, the 10th period is due, well it’s not here... so I tested because this is not normal. I don’t miss periods they aren’t ever late. Unless I’m pregnant. It was negative. I was like well ok just wait for my period, 11th came and gone nothing happened except had sex (it wasn’t rough or anything) and then today on the 12th got a tiny tiny tiny bit of blood again like on the 8th then now it’s the 12th night and I’m wondering what is going on with my body?? Do I need to wait a week or so and test again if it doesn’t come? Do I need to call my obgyn?

Could I be?? Pregnant? I’m 20 months pp I’m definitely not ready for another baby.