We haven’t met.

I met this guy on Facebook, the conversation started with him wanting to kick my butt in iMessage games we played for awhile & started having small talk later it lead to us talking pretty much everyday. He is in the army, so the communication with him isn’t the BEST but it’s nothing I can’t handle.

On Wednesday, I took it upon myself to ask him where this was going just so I could know what I wanted to do. He told me that he got married too quick on his first & only marriage that he was not going to put labels on anything or commit anything especially since we have yet met. I took it a little to heart so I stopped talking to him for a couple days.

Saturday came around, I decided I wanted to apologize for blowing up like that, how my feelings were just hurt but it wasn’t anything personal. He apologized & said “I promised you, that I’d never do anything in this world to try and hurt you I’m sorry that I did but I’m standing here telling you that I’ve had a marriage fall apart because we kept overlooking the bad.”

With everything being said, he said he didn’t want to lose me. So I asked him one more time, what he wanted. This was his response.

I really like this guy, but I’m so scared to open myself up again & take that chance of being hurt again. It’s such a scary situation for me because I haven’t dated in so long let alone find anybody that I’ve actually found any interest in.

So, do y’all think this is worth pursuing, do I take the risk & just go with the flow of things or should I just leave things alone & back off this whole situation.