I’m 16 & I need help? Please

My periods are quite irregular, they never used to be. Last month, my period came but it was 17 days late and usually prior to my period I have aches and breast soreness but this time I didn’t. The month before that it was only 2 days late so does that count as irregular?

I have severe constipation and I don’t have bowel movements anymore. I had to use a rectal suppository, otherwise, I can’t go to the toilet.

I’m just wondering if these could possibly be connected? I have been really stressed and I have had mental breakdowns and I have heard they can cause period irregularities due to a hormonal imbalance.

I’m getting a GP appointment but the earliest is the 23rd May and my GCSEs are tomorrow so it’s getting in the way.

I have no other symptoms whatsoever.

((My mother had endometriosis and irritable bowel syndrome))