Sponge Bob

Not extremely controversial BUT, do you let your children watch Sponge Bob?

When I was 11, I moved in with my mom & her husband along with their 2 sons (my little brothers)

Little did I know, my brothers were NOT allowed to watch Sponge Bob. So without any knowledge of that, I thought it'll be cool to just spend Saturday morning watching Sponge Bob. Besides I used to watch it all the time while living with my grandmother.

My step dad stormed into the room and scolded me. I almost cried because I didn't understand why he was so angry with me.

Apparently, he doesn't like the cartoon and thinks no child should watch it because its perverted and such.

I don't know much about it being perverted, I must be oblivious to those parts.

Any parents here that doesn't like their children watching the show?