He got cold feet

Sam 👩‍🔬💏 TTC #1 🧬

I have super irregular cycles and havent ovulated since January. In March, during our 5th year wedding anniversary, we decided we were going to casually start trying. Since then, I haven't ovulated or had a period, but my husband has been finishing in me.

On Mother's day yesterday, I finally got a positive OPK. I have all the signs of ovulation/fertility right now. I told my husband, and when we were having sex he pulled out to finish.

I am incredibly frustrated and hurt. Confused is an understatement. Obviously tried talking to him about it and he kind of shut down.

I guess I'm looking for words of encouragement or if anyone else has gone through something similar. I think he is afraid. I'm scared too, but we are successful adults and I know we can do this. Is there anything I can do to be supportive or encouraging? I'm at a loss and just really hurt.