Anxiety w/Dating


So I [27F] often get ahead of myself in dating and, although I’m getting outwardly better, I still find myself obsessing over whether or not he wants to continue pursuing a relationship. My thoughts run around in my head constantly. I’ve been working on challenging these thoughts and basically just throwing facts at any insecurities that arise and I’m better than I was but I obviously still battle the irrational thoughts.

The biggest cause of relationship anxiety for me is texting. The guy could be sincere and great in person, doing everything on the stereotypical checklist of “does he like you?”, making future plans to get together, etc. and yet as soon as we part ways after a date I get a sinking feeling in my stomach and the insecure thoughts start to take over. Will I hear from him again? Was all of that a lie? Was he just being polite? “If he really liked me he would text me all the time because he’s thinking about me.”

It’s messed up, I know.

I just started dating a guy and it’s literally only been about 2 weeks and I’m already doing this! If any of you have any advice on how to further deal with this or have any encouraging words I’d greatly appreciate it!