Is AF coming or not?

Brianna • 3 adopted kiddos. Been trying for a bio since 2012.

The past 4 days I have had strange heat flashes. I get super flush and my cheeks are so hot. 4 days ago I was 6 DPO and today I am 10 DPO. I tested with a BFN yesterday. I knew it was too early but since it was Mother’s Day I wanted to at least try because that would of been cool. Haha. Anyway, AF is due Saturday and today I had a lot of energy and got a lot done which I usually get this weird spurt of energy the day before I start. But today is different...that energy only lasted a few hours and now I want to take a nap. I have also taken a long hour and half nap the last two day which I NEVER do! But this morning my boobs started hurting and I feel like I’m sweaty like I am before AF. Is there still hope this month? Or do you think it looks like AF is coming? Ugh. This two week wait does crazy things to your mind!!