Can I get some advice?

I’m a 19 year old university student recently got pregnant by my boyfriend of 2 years and there isn’t anyone that I can talk to without being judged so I’m asking for some advice. I’m 3 months pregnant and ever since I told my boyfriend he hasn’t been too happy about it, he’s 7 years older than me and has a stable job yet he feels as though his life is ruined this breaks my heart because although I’m young and haven’t figured out certain things as yet I don’t see this as something negative I keep telling myself that we didn’t plan this but it would’ve eventually happened cause I love him, but he’s completely changed the only time he comes to see me now because I’ve been sick lately and don’t feel like going anywhere is when I ask him to 😪 my family are actually the ones that’s been supporting me both financially and emotionally so I don’t understand why he’s treating me this way 😞 he just left me to deal with this alone should I leave?