I was serious. Birth control screwed up.

I was serious about this. I’m worried about my bf. I’m 14, a freshman and me and my bf wanted to have sex but I know I need to be responsible and get on bc. I went to my health department because they give it for free without my mom having to be there and without me using her insurance. So my mom would never find out. I didn’t know what questions to ask and so she just gave me the pills and didn’t really tell me how to take them. So for just about a week and a half I have been taking one and giving one to my bf at school and then giving him two for the weekend until we see each other again. So we both were taking it but someone told me that I should be the only one taking them. Is this bad for him? What could happen to him or is he fine? I’m going back to the doctor to figure out how to finish the pack. I know I’m stupid and didn’t know what to do. My schools doesn’t teach Sex Ed and my mom and me aren’t close and she would kill me but I wanted to be safe. Please don’t report this again. I just am worried about him.