Am I crazy or is she?

So my husband and me are very close, we spend a lot of time with each other seeing that he’s military and we only talk to a select few people where we are living. My husband has a bunch of guy friends being that he’s been out here longer than I have so I have maybe 2 friends here and the rest are back home where I’m originally from. Anyways, this past weekend, my husband and his friend, (mind you the other guy is my friends husband) wanted to go out because of a few of their friends from deployment (who I have met before) flew in for a baby shower for a mutual friend of all of ours, well they decided that it was going to be a guys night out and didn’t want to include me or my friend (who’s husband went out with mine) and on my part, I didn’t care, I’m like go out have fun because this is the only weekend you’ll get with everyone here for a while. I never stop my husband from going out and enjoying his time with friends with or without me. But my friend was making it a huge deal, was saying it was super shady and that it was just messy they didn’t want us to go with them and all this that and the other. she started getting in my head about the whole situation and now has me questioning what my husband was doing and why we were never invited. Is she wrong? It shouldn’t had been made that big of a deal, mind you she was telling me my husband was cheating and all this, but my husband came home with the same guys he went out with when they dropped him off. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO OR THINK. I’m not going to keep questioning my husband on what happened because I don’t want him to think I don’t trust him but in the back of my mind she’s really got me feeling some type of way. Help me out here.