What is happening??


Ladies I need help, I’ve posted in the opk forum but no luck please tell me what y’all think!!!

I had our last mc 3/22 and have been using opks both ic and digital to determine when I’m ovulating this is cycle 2 since last mc but have been ttc since September/October 2018. We’ve had 3 mc’s since then. I tested positive opk 5/7th with ic and peaked with digital. We bd’d 5/3, 5/4, 5/5, 5/7, 5/8, and 5/9. I did test on 5/8 and opk was negative so assumed I ovulated and didn’t test again. We went on a Disney vacation on 5/9 and just got home today 5/13...I didn’t take any tests with me on vacation. I just felt like something was up so tested with ic when we got home and it was so freaking dark so I took another one and same darker test line so then I went ahead and took the digital opk which came up with standing smiley face, that was around 12 pm. I took a hpt that comes in my opk kit and it was negative which I expected it to be bc I’m only 6dpo. Well I took another opk around 5:30pm and again blaring dark test line super positive. And lastly I took 1 last 1 and it was the darkest of all today at 9:30pm!! What in the world? Did I ovulate 2 times this cycle 6 days apart? I’m confused mostly bc the digital opk said peak on the 7th and now again today??? Sorry this is so long but please help!!

From 12pm

From 5:30pm

From 9:30pm