Harmony Test shows insufficient DNA


I finally got notice from my insurance that I did not need a prior authorization for the Harmony Test on May 2nd, so I scheduled a lab appt that same day. I got to the lab and they sent me upstairs to have the nurse and myself sign off on the paperwork to send to Harmony. I waited 40+ minutes just for this. I finally went back to the lab and got about 3 vials of blood drawn and was told they would send it later that via FedEx overnight.

I call my doctors office on Fri, May 10th to see if my results had come in or if there were any updates. A nurse told me that my results were in but a nurse/provider in my doctors office forgot to fill out some info on the results, so it wouldn’t get finished until Mon, May 13 I call them on Monday and now a nurse tells me that the Harmony lab received the samples but they had insufficient DNA. I’m currently 15 weeks 4 days and with 3 vials of blood I’m finding it hard to get my head around. Especially with all of the prior misinformation about my results being ready. I have an appointment to have my blood redrawn today.

Has anyone ran into any of these issues while getting The Harmony test or any other prenatal tests? Any info on why the samples showed little DNA?