Responses to possible infertility


Bad responses from people that find out ‘the news’

I’ve been told it is unlikely that I’ll fall pregnant. I am not alone and I understand there are worse things that could happen to my health, but it was sad news. I have always wanted to be a mother and have a family, so I will never give up.

BUT I’ve heard some pretty rubbish comments.

The worst is that I should be so lucky that my siblings have children and I should put more effort in with them. I’ve also been told (by a mother of two) that it’s not the end of the world because I’m still alive. Many people have shrugged it off with ah you never know.

My mother told me it was because I waited for the ‘perfect moment’ and that my partner and I should’ve tried years ago. She also has offered me no support in the few months following the discovery.

My in laws are very supportive and caring, but their optimism that I will fall pregnant and the docs don’t know it all is also worrying.

Share your experiences!