Husband Cannot Climax During Sex


My husband and I came up with an ultimatum. We try for our last child for 1 year and if it doesn’t happen he wants a vasectomy. Our youngest child is about to start school. We always said once they reach school age we couldn’t imagine starting over. However, I never planned on her being our last. Unfortunately, time got away from us and it’s suddenly now or never. It was his idea to try which is why this upsets me so much. He had contemplated a vasectomy for a while now but I think he knew I really wanted another baby so he told me we could try and whatever happens, happens. We are 4 months in and nothing has happened yet. Except this last month my husband doesn’t want to climax during sex. If we are doing literally anything else he orgasms easily but the second I want to have actual sex with him he will groan and roll his eyes. We can have sex until the end of time and he will not finish. Obviously, no baby is going to be conceived this way. I don’t think he wants another baby and just isn’t telling me so he’s keeping himself from letting it happen. It is really beginning to hurt my feelings. Along with no climaxing during sex he hasn’t been as affectionate toward me, he’d much rather spend his extra time watching tv or hanging out with his guys. Im starting to feel unwanted or as if he’s not attracted to me anymore (keeps his eyes shut when we are intimate) I’m just so over it. If this month isn’t a BFP this is probably the end of trying. I guess my question is has anyone went through this and it just been a phase from stress of performing or is he just being a douche.