Idk If I Have Endometriosis but I Have Questions

Sabrina • Married to an Airman. He is 21 and I am 23. December = Cycle 8. Impatiently waiting..
Hello all. I've had ongoing pelvic pain/nausea/painful periods for years now but I've just dealt with it. Well, I've been off BC for 6 months now TTC and this month all came crashing down. Sex is super painful but after sex is unbearable and agonizing. Idk if it is endo but me coming off BC would explain why it got worse and i was having the exact same syptoms last tines and i was put on BC. At the time, i was also being treated for a bad vaginal infection so i thought that was why my pain went away but looking back, it all makes sense. I've been doing research since my mom pointed out that I matched a lot of syptoms and I really do match a lot of them. My question is, how did you find out? I want to tell my doc that I want to investigate this further but idk what tests there are to confirm so I was wondering how you ladies found out. I've had about 4 pelvic exams in the last year trying to figure out what is wrong and no one ever said anything about endo. Could that mean this isn't it? Sighs. I'm so torn between wanting this to be it and not wanting it to be. I just need an answer and relief from this pain. I also want to have enjoyable eex with my hubby again😭 Having to be on BC and not have kids is a high price to pay just to have sex😭 Also, what were ya'lls main syptoms? I can google all day but I'd rather hear from real people! Thanks for reading!