Got My First IUI Done


I put a lot of thought into it and realised I don't want to be married. I have chosen to be a single mom. Many people are telling me how hard it's going to be and what they don't realize is, I'm well aware of how it's going to be. I cared for many kids on my own over the last 10 years. No help, no one to take shifts with when the baby was teething or not going to sleep as well as a 5 year old and 8 year old arguing and wanting to show me every little thing they did. Privacy went out the window too. It can be challenging balancing appts. and at times even daily tasks, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Being well aware of what baggage this comes with, I got my first <a href="">IUI</a> done yesterday. It felt so surreal at first. I saved the money for the whole process and talked about it for a few months, but suddenly all that talk was about to happen. After losing 4 babies, getting this <a href="">IUI</a> made me feel excited, yet scared. I was so nervous before getting the <a href="">IUI</a> not knowing what it was going to feel like other than from what I've read. Everything went very well. Now the newest challenge is this 2 week wait. I'm praying for my Rainbow baby.