Postpartum depression?


Sorry for the long post guys.

But Idk if I’m having postpartum depression or just normal depression or if it’s just my anxiety or what.

But my little guy is 6 weeks old.

I had my postpartum check up last Monday so it’s been a little over a week since then and I wasn’t feeling anything like I’m feeling now.

Can postpartum depression set in that quickly?

But I’ve just been feeling defeated lately. Like the past week. I’m exhausted. And I might add that my little guy sleeps great, Only wakes up once or twice to feed, so it’s not that. But I’m just mentally and emotionally exhausted.

I should add that my little guy has been going through quite a bit lately.

We had to put him on elecare, this week for blood in his stool even with already being on nutramigen. and we’re being sent to a gi to find out what’s wrong. So I’ve just been a worrying wreck. I also have a 4 year old and I just feel like I haven’t been giving her the love and attention she needs because of all that’s been going on with him and because I don’t feel like myself.

I literally feel like I’m failing them. I love them both with all of my heart but I feel like I’m drowning in all of this. My mind just isn’t here with them, I’m constantly worrying about things. I know I have anxiety. I’ve had that for years. But it seems 100x worse.

So idk if its just my anxiety or if all of this has anything to do with whats going on and if that can effect depression or not.

I don’t feel like I can talk to my husband because whenever I do I fell like he thinks I’m overreacting and he doesn’t really understand because he doesn’t experience anything like this.

Idk who I go to with all of this or if I should even talk to anyone. Because idk if there’s really something wrong with me or if it will all go away when we find out what’s wrong with my baby boy.