Bedroom conversation!


So my husband thinks for some reason that he doesn’t get me to have an orgasm. He thinks because I am not crazy loud and like a pornstar that somehow I don’t climax. Am I the only one who’s husband says this? I told him that I do orgasm and it’s not every time and yes it takes a LONG time but mostly it’s a clitoral orgasm. I don’t think I’ve ever had a g-spot orgasm as I’ve read it is hard to do. My husband suggested that I get a better vibrator and go to town. 😂

He also thinks the main focus in the bedroom should be to reach orgasm and honestly I really just enjoy the experience and being with him. He doesn’t think it’s all about the experience and closeness but getting off! Please tell me I am not the only one. I try to reassure him that everything is fine but he seems to think I need to have this out of body, crazy, screaming sexual experience! He also told me to just watch porn but honestly I think it’s a joke and really I would rather be with him that watch crazy, staged fake sex! 😂