Advice needed

Today, exactly 5 months ago I broke up with my ex boyfriend, & I really miss him so much, miss everything about him. His touch, lips, the way he would speak to me, everything. I really thought he was the one, everyone thought that as well. His family would always talk about us getting married, having kids etc. My family really liked him as well. We never really lost contact with each other after the breakup. & Recently we have been talking more, he even calls me and we hangout.

But my problem is that I still have feelings for him and when I see him I just wish I could kiss him or hug him and never let go. Although we said we still loved each other, I think he might only see me as a friend now. I found out that he asked another girl out but she said no. I can’t get mad or confront because we are nothing but just friends.

I’m just sad though because I was hoping that we would eventually get back together. But now that I know that he just sees me as a friend makes me kinda sad. I know it’s my fault for getting my hopes up when we never really mentioned it or talked about it, it was more of a let’s see what happens. Probably since we mentioned that we still loved each other, I thought we would even up together again.

I’m just sad, we still talk and everything whenever I’m not busy, but it sucks know that he probably doesn’t see that way anymore.

Idk what to do, should I talk stop talking to him, although it’s not his fault I had illusions of get back. Or just stay as friend since that’s all we are?