For the story readers😈 My Dom is better than yours

So, I’m playing my video game (I’m aloud 2 hours to do my thing a day)... I lost and shouted ‘are you fucking kidding me’

I saw he look over at me🥴 I didn’t even think I said it that loud but ah shit he heard me. He asked me ‘what did you just say’ and I replied ‘nothing daddy’ wellll.... he told me to come her right now little lady. He stripped me naked and started spanking my butt. Firstly for swearing and secondly for lying. Anyway...

He was all like I’m going to punish you further little girl, he takes me in the back garden (no one can see us) and he tells me to get in the cage (our big dogs cage that I can comfortably sit in) he tells me I don’t deserve to have pleasure for swearing he makes me hold my hair up (so it doesn’t get wet so he can pull it easier later) and straddle my legs. He starts to spray me with the freezing cold hose pipe all over my pussy and tits until there numb. He keeps asking if I’m sorry and of corse I say yes daddy.

He takes me back inside and that’s when it all blows up. You’ve all read the bedroom story’s so just imagine the hardest kinks and times them by 10 then times the orgasms by 100.

I just wanted to tel you guys the pre story with the hose, you should try it😈😈😈