Preterm labor question

Arianna • 26 due May 2023 with baby #2 💙 Baby born July 2019 💖 Miscarriages in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2021, 2021, 2022❤️

Okay I will be 30 weeks on Saturday and the past two weeks I’ve had to go to the hospital to be monitored for low fetal movements but they said she passed with flying colors. Although they did tell me to watch for preterm labor signs and gave me a list of them. TMI but the past two days I’ve been having very mild cramps every now and then and diarrhea. They say it’s a symptom but wanted other mommas opinions.

And any other preterm symptoms to watch out for!

Thank you

*now having sharp vaginal pain

(Sorry this is my first child after three miscarriages)