Mom shaming

Diana • 37 years with 3 baby boys!
This is something that drives me crazy, hurts my feelings, and sometimes just makes me downright angry!  And when I try to explain to my husband, he of course doesn't get it.  It's this idea of mom shaming, and how other mom's make us feel bad or guilty about how we are raising our babies/children, just because it's something different from what they did.  For me, I get this a lot with breastfeeding.  My entire family still thinks I'm crazy for breastfeeding my now 6 month old, and they're waiting for me to stop (I won't, I absolutely love breastfeeding).  But every time my son is hungry and a relative or friend asks if I have a bottle for him, I get so mad!  No, I don't, I have a boob.  And now that we started solids, I do let them feed him his fruits and veggies, so they aren't left out. It's just that look of judgment that I hate, and the thought that somehow what I am doing is wrong (they think it's gross, or unnatural, you don't know if he's getting enough food, takes away from the rights of family members to feed my son...I've heard it all).  So since we're all in this together, and I know many of us have felt some mom shaming from time to time, What negative comments have you ladies relieved from others on your parenting choices?