Positive cycle day 25?

Been TTC for 7 years and never ever gotten a positive ovulation test. It looks like its getting darker then the next day its lighter or disappears. I do have pcos and read that you can get false positives. I was on clomid, just finished my third cycle and never got a positive. According to app I was suppose to ovulate one week so we baby danced every single day for 2.5 weeks. I'm doing keto and check my pee daily, so one day I was checking and randomly grabbed both tests and I got distracted and left home. When I came back I saw the two lines and freaked out! I had forgotten I even took the test. So before I got too excited I took another one to make sure and sure enough it was positive. The next day I took another test and it was lighter but not completely negative. I guess where I'm going is if you can ovulate so late in the cycle? My cycles are always irregular and currently on cycle day 35 praying no AF!

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