Ovary Pain??


Hello all! I’m sorry if some of this is a bit much, but I would really love to hear if people have felt the same and/or any answers or explanations you may have come across.

I know right before/during ovulation, its not uncommon to feel some “pinching” or “pulling” pain on one side due to the egg being released—- what I don’t know is what the level of severity is and the normal duration.

Every few months at least, one side seems to be, err uncomfortable to the point of almost inconvenience. It feels like a knot in my lower right I guess ovary. If I stand up quickly it huuurrts like something got caught? Is this the feeling of pinching/pulling?

I have had ovarian cysts in the past, but they were normal enough not to be of concern per my doctor. Idk if this is even relevant but I also have HPV (but really, who doesn’t sadly). I just moved from FL to TX and haven’t found a new doctor yet to talk to :)

It does always seem to happen around ovulation. So that’s a good sign.

Argh, any thoughts would be lovely! Ready to go from TTC to seeing that first BFP!