
Marquicia 👸🏾

So I go back to work next month and I also got a job offer elsewhere that I will be taking, but the new job has summers off so I wouldn’t be starting until mid August so I’m going back to my current job until then. Either way I have to be to work by 8AM. Both jobs are fairly close to my house I’d say no more than like 30mins Max with heavy traffic and with no traffic at all about 10mins. He will not be in daycare yet as I can’t afford it and the daycare I work at doesn’t take infants. I’m just trying to see what other people schedule is like. I would be dropping him to my grandmothers who lives about 5mins away no later than 7:30am to try and make it to work by 8am. I want to start testing out the routine so he and my grandmother both get used to it. How should I set up our schedule and how do you all do with getting out the house ? Do you wake up before the baby and get ready or do you wake up as the same time ? Etc etc