Still not taking the bottle


Hello all!! My daughter Ivoryelle is breastfed. Received only from the breast from birth to the day she turned 3 months old when I returned to work. We tried several different bottles of which she would not take. We found Nuk simply natural bottle that she would take a little but not fully. We said good enough. But here we are STILL! She she is 5 mnths old and still wont fully take a bottle. It's a fight, almost to the point of force feeding. That's where we stop. We do not force feed her ever. But I'm afraid she will become dehydrated as I'm away from her for 10 hours a day M-F and she will wait hours, HOURS!! Until I pick her up from daycare to eat. If she does take a bottle it's a total of 5 or 6 oz for the 10 hours she is there.

Does anyone else have this issues? What have you done about it?

Any suggestions?

I thought about giving her baby food while at daycare and just breastfeed her when she is with me. BUT I wanted to hold off food until 6 months old when her digestive system is a bit more developed.