The struggling of having a controlling mom

My mom makes things 100% more complicated for the both of us when trying to do things. She’s doing my fafsa and NEEDS my email for the codes, and she ALWAYS does it when I’m not home, so she texts me to get the information instead of waiting till I’m actually home to do it in person. I’ve told her to wait, but it’s always on her time her schedule or it doesn’t get done (why I haven’t been in college for over a year). She’s also said, “you need to keep track of your passwords and login for this.” BUT HOW CAN I WHEN YOU CONTROL IT!!!!???? Or my health insurance. She needs a picture of my drivers license to send in. She will impersonate me, and tell me to send a screenshot of my license so she can just get it done. She won’t let me do it myself.

I can’t do fafsa by myself (obviously) because I need both my parents tax papers since I still live with them, but I could do health insurance by myself (I think?). She doesn‘t let me/teach me. I’m 19 and moving out this year. I need to learn these things. Of course she knows I’m moving out, but she won’t address it or keep the conversation going when I bring it up. She’s in control of everything in my life, and I don’t understand why she can’t let me take the responsibility. It’s my stuff, I should be in control. I can’t even carry my own SSN. She’s in control of that too.