Such a bullshit rule

Legally, I HAVE TO provide my parents tax information until I’m 25 years old (if I’m still in college by then) if I want fafsa. Even if I’m moved out, supporting myself, I LEGALLY have to provide my parents tax papers. What type of bullshit is this???!!!!

So if I’m living with my boyfriend, do I have to provide my parents tax papers AND my boyfriend’s tax papers? Am I going to be getting EVEN LESS because I have to provide my boyfriend’s papers too? I shouldn’t have to provide my parents if I’m MOVED OUT AND SUPPORTING MYSELF. I should only have to provide my boyfriend’s since I’d be LIVING WITH HIM. I say that because we’re moving in together this year. This is such bullshit... Of course I’m grateful they’re paying my way for my degree, but Jesus Christ that’s not fair...

I already only earn $1200 when I go full time for the quarter. That’s supposed to last me 3 months. Its going towards rent, food, and insurance when I get a car. So now am I going to be getting less than $1200????How is that fair!!!??? I know I’m going to have a job by then, but that extra money I get from fafsa REALLY does help a lot and helps ease my mind when it comes to being financially stable. Something to fall back on, a plan B If something happens.

I will explain it here if anybody is still confused: my parents don’t earn a single penny for providing tax papers. All the money goes to my bank account, not theirs. My parents are willingly giving me the money fafsa gives me to help pay for books and supplies for my classes. I get $1200 as a FULL TIME student. But because when I move out I’m going to be getting a job, I’m only going to be going as a part time student. As of right now, I get $800 part time. But because I’m not sure if I’m going to be providing 3 tax papers instead of 2, that $800 might go down. I see now I didn’t provide this information because I was upset and panicking on how I’m going to pay my part/ support my boyfriend as well as me when I move in with him.