Sleeping like the Dead.... 😴😴😴

Devon - 💙 3 Sweet Boys 💕 Baby Girl Feb 2021💕

So I see a ton of posts about not sleeping well, and I get it, I've been there. But I am wondering if anyone is experiencing what I've been experiencing the past couple weeks? This happened with my last pregnancy too, two years ago. I'm 31 weeks and for the past two weeks I have been sleeping like the dead. Passed out cold. For 9+ hours. Don't get me wrong. I do get up to pee a crazy amount in the night, but I'm in a walking dead, zombie like state, that I barely remember in the morning.

I slept like this from about 31 weeks until I gave birth in my last pregnancy. Even though my body is uncomfortable and I do toss and turn to get into a comfortable spot, once I'm there, boom, I'm knocked the hell out.

I honestly think it's my subconscious.... shutting my brain down, knowing a newborn is near and those days will be over for a good while. This didn't happen in my first pregnancy, just my last and this one, so I'm thinking this might really be the case.

I can't be the only one, am I??? Is anyone else sleeping like, really good???