My boyfriend sent me this....


I cant even begin to describe how lucky I feel to have such an amazing man. He buys me flowers randomly, takes care of me when Im sick or not mentally healthy, always reminds me how perfect I am physically and mentally, never goes without saying how much he loves me and how "perfect" i am, EVERYDAY!!

My ex mentally abused me and never did any of this stuff, not even the small stuff, but then a year after my ex left me, God gave me the greatest gift that I could ever receive so far, my boyfriend. I cry sometimes because I never thought anyone would love me like he does. I am over weight and I literally look at myself and feel gross, but he has shown me a new meaning to life and has made me feel so beautiful, more beautiful than I've ever felt in my life!!! 💛

Girls, dont settle for less- you're worth so much more than being treated like garbage. I didnt think it was possible to find my "prince charming" but I did!! Don't give up!