Breast feeding help


So my baby was born may 7 , and from the min they put him to breast he was like a pro. The nurses even were cracking jokes saying he must have read up on breastfeeding. He latched instantly with no issues, however 2 days after birth he had to be transported to a different hospital and stay in a NICU, because they noticed unusual behavior. Because he was admitted into the NICU they immediately started him on bottle feeding and formula because I was still in the hospital and that was the only way they could feed I have been struggling to get him to latch and feed from me ever since. He would mostly latch and feed at first when I was finally able to go visit, but for some reason he slowly stopped and now I have the hardest time getting him to breast feed. I'm at a loss of what to do... He is home now since 2 days ago, and All I ever wanted since the day I knew I was pregnant, was to breast feed my baby and I have been nothing but distraught over this...I feel like a failure and I cry frequently especially after I try to get him to latch... I spoke with a lactation consultant, who gave me a nipple shield to try but still no luck..and I also fear I'm not able to produce enough when I pump to keep up with him. I just wanted to get some guidance and/or reassurance from you lady's on here...I feel like I'm slowly sinking into a depression...sorry this is so long... 😭