What should we do about this...

So I’m going anonymous just because this is a serious situation and I’d rather stay hidden.

My daughter is 6 and has less than a month left in 1st grade. Her school seemed like the best in our area but there is one situation happening right now that is quickly changing my mind.

From Monday to Thursday after school she takes the bus to go to the daycare and then we pick her up after work. On fridays since I am home when she’s done school, the bus drops her at home.

TWICE now since the new year they have dropped her off at home on days when she was supposed to be in daycare. The first time, thank god, I was home and was able to go get her (she has to cross the road to get to our house).

However, a few days ago, the same thing happened and no one was home. My husband got a call from the daycare because my daughter was not there and he called the school and they said they put her on the bus. He calls me in PANIC and I rush home. She was sitting on the outside steps and she was crying. It was pouring rain outside. I took her inside and stayed with her for the rest of the day.

I’m livid. She stayed outside at least 25 minutes alone in the rain. What can I do about this? The school knows that she goes to daycare 4 days a week. Now, I’m scared to let her take the bus again. When we brought it up to the school the first time, they apologized and said it would never happen again... well... it did. I have no idea what to do 😩

UPDATE: Talked with my daughter and the school and we figured out what happened. The system in her school works on a “day 1-5” schedule. If there’s a holiday, the day before the holiday is day 4 (example) and the next school day is day 5. That way, if they have a special course that day (computer time, library, PE) they don’t miss it.

On the system where they have the bus schedule, they for some reason have that same system. Both times the incident happened, it was a supply teacher supervising the kids getting on the buses. My daughter told her that she was supposed to go to daycare but she said that she had to go home because the schedule was on day 5 (but it was a thursday).

Complete bullshit in my opinion.