
My 6 month old is the hardest to put down for the night. Last night it took 3 hours. I miss my husband lol. If I let him cry, he cries so hard he wakes himself up even more. The MOMENT I set him down in his crib he wakes up SCREEEAAAMING. He could be fast asleep and it wakes him right up. I’ve tried soothing him from the side of the crib, letting him cry for certain lengths of time, but I always end up nursing him back to sleep and the cycle starts all over again. It’s so so frustrating. Then my husband is texting me how “bored” he is while I’m in there 🙄🙄🙄 he wakes up in the middle of the night and takes 1-2 hours to settle as well. Any tried and true advice that isn’t CIO???