Refuses bottle


My 16 week old still refuses a bottle of expressed breastmilk 😑 I’ve tried medela bottles, advent natural, boon and he won’t take any of them. He takes a binki so it’s not a texture issue. I just ordered a mimbi bottle and it better work because it’s not cheap haha

We started trying to give him a bottle at 4 weeks, I’ve left the house, my husband, mother in law, bff all have tried to feed him. Tried in the swing, tried in the boppy.

I’m wondering if it’s my nipples size that’s making it tough for him to latch on a bottle. I have extremely small nipples, I had to special order a 17mm flange for my pump. He’s been a natural at nursing, he latched perfectly our first time trying right after he was born and I’m extremely lucky that I am able to stay home with him but it’s time he starts a bottle lol

I’ve talked to the doctor and lactation consultant and I’ve done sooo much research into tips and tricks, so I’m not really looking for advice...just wondering if any other mamas here have been through this or are currently going through it