Baby sign language


Hey y’all if you want to start teaching for baby sign, now is a good time to start! It’s too early for them to start signing back but if you start with teaching them the signs they should be able to sign back in a few months. I just sat down with my son and ran through the alphabet while saying it and numbers one through ten. He was super interested and looked between my face and my hand every time I changed the sign. I’m so excited! I didn’t expect him to be so attentive and interested!! Of course I’ll be starting with actual, and way more simple, signs like

Mom, Dad, Grandma, Milk, More, Sleep, Dog

since those will be ones he actually will use. I’ll include those in everyday activities multiple times a day.

The alphabet and numbers is just to get an early start on teaching him to talk while also teaching sign. So he will understand that speaking and sign mean the same thing.

Once he is older and speaking some I will start teaching my name is... your name is... and basic ASL. I only know basic ASL right now but I’m excited to teach him and grow my understanding of the language with him!

Here’s my little Cillín conked out after bottle and sign/alphabet session.