Dead bird in my garden


This morning around 5 I did my morning routine of spreading some seed under my feeders and drinking my coffee in a chair near by. I noticed a little song sparrow near one of hydrangea bushes moving slowly but nothing super unusual. Then a few minutes later I thought he was like sitting on the ground.

I finished my coffee and went inside. Around 9 AM my husband called me over to look at a bird he thought was "napping" under the hydrangea. It was the same sparrow and I went out to check and he was dead.

I feel terrible, like I should have checked on him when I first saw him at 5 and maybe I could've saved him.

Why did he come to my garden to die? Is it because he felt safe and happy here? Or is this a bad omen? Is there some kind of ritual/ prayer/ saying I should do? Do I bury him?