Suffering LESS from yeast infections!

I cracked the code!!!!!!

Maybe this will help someone else, but I’ve suffered almost chronically from yeast infections.

Rather than trying Monistat, I’ve begun taking preventative measures and just changing up my lifestyle. This may be obvious to some people, but for anyone else who has been suffering here’s what I’ve done to make mine go away or lessen symptoms!

-decrease alcohol intake

-increase antioxidant/water intake

-take daily vitamins: probiotic especially, vitamin C, D, B and echinacea for immune health

-eat yogurt!

-use regular bar soap; no fancy shower gels or products

-apply coconut oil to vaginal area, especially if feeling bothersome

Of course, I’m not saying to not go to the doctor if you have a problem, but these simple changes have helped me a lot. I went from having yeast infections almost every month to less frequent, manageable issues.

If anyone has any feedback or anything to add feel free to comment!