Disappointed yet relieved. normal?

(sorry if this is in the wrong group, i wasn’t sure what category this falls into😕)

so i’m 20, and my SO is 22. ever since october, my period has ALWAYS come on the 15th or a day or two early, every month. it’s like clockwork: i get cramps, then a day or two later AF shows up first thing in the morning. well, the 15th passed. by the 17th, i had a gut feeling i was pregnant, and my gut is rarely wrong. my sister is currently 35 weeks, and had an extra test at home. SO and i discussed our options, and did some research to be prepared just in case. well today, (19th) my sister was going to bring that test over for me so we can make sure. as soon as she was getting ready to leave her house, i had some very dark blood, but not a lot at all. seconds later, the flood gates opened and the rivers ran red. i’m more relieved than anything, because a baby is not on our agenda for another few years, but i can’t help but be more than a little disappointed. i think i got myself too excited, and now i’m quite upset even though we couldn’t possibly afford a little one right now.☹️

is this normal? has anyone else experienced this? if so, how did you deal with it?