Just Ugh

This is a rant I have no lady friends 🥴🌚 whom I can comfortably confide in.... so I had been dating my ex I took him back after a 2 yr separation that’s gonna have to be another post anywho... I’m a student my now ex bf is older than me already established back on May 7 I had a meeting to declare my minor he wanted to go to the movies which was fine... this is where the discord took place... my meeting ended up running a little longer tHan expected so we were going to go to a late movie however he told his ex wife he’d pick up the kids although it wasn’t his day so therefore we couldn’t go to the movie... why is he upset with me that my meeting ran longer because he had to get his kids like why is he mad at me for his personal life... I wasn’t even mad that he said he was going to get them I’m like well we can go to the movie another day mind you I had a major final exam Wednesday so I wasn’t really worried abt the movie I needed to study... Was I wrong for asking him to not be passive aggressive towards me when I didn’t do anything wrong? Fast forward he hasn’t spoken to me since..., like he is a total jerk