Still pregnant?

Sophia • Baby boy born 11/22/19 TTC #2

Paranoia or nah?

I’ve had two friends have miscarriages in recent weeks. One AFTER her gender reveal, and one at 7 weeks but she didn’t find out until her 10 week check-up. She told me she had no pain, no bleeding, no indication of a miscarriage.

I haven’t had a check-up since week 10, when I took the NIPT. Everything came back a-ok, but since then I’ve lost my extreme nausea and I’ve only felt fatigued. I think I’m just getting fatter from being too tired to work out. Week 14 and still no real bump to reassure me.

Should I take an at-home pregnancy test?

How do you guys handle nerves between appointments?

Anybody see a bump because I just see fat?

Thanks for any feedback!