Is this normal?


My little guy is almost 8 weeks old and this ridge, alone with the one in the back are getting more raised. This one being so raised makes his soft spot look extremely sunken in as well, but when I asked his doctor about his fontanelle being sunk it, she said as long as he is producing plenty of wet diapers and does not seem lethargic, not to worry about dehydration. He has plenty of wet diapers everyday and he eats a lot. He’s growing and gaining weight ahead of schedule. We haven’t been to the doctors again since he was 6 weeks old so She hasn’t seen the ridges looking like this. His head also looks lopsided from the front. Maybe I’m just being paranoid?

Any info is greatly appreciated. I’m kind of freaked out a little bit and can’t figure out if it’s normal based on things I’ve read on the internet.

Some additional photos of him just because..